Support for teachers
The WOW Show is designed to support teachers and Careers Leaders in achieving four of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Each programme is available with a package of classroom-ready teacher support materials authored by a panel of teachers at our partners VotesforSchools.
These resources include written plans, PowerPoint lessons and, in certain cases, cross-curricular guides to link the programme content directly to the curriculum and the CDI Framework objectives.
The resources also contain progression links to help students navigate to the best online careers advice.
The on-demand facility on our website and on our YouTube channel (www.TheWOWShow.org/YouTube) provide a rich library of video resources to support PSHE and career-based learning.
Teacher resources

Healthcare Special - Making a Difference
A package of three interactive classroom resources (long and short plans) including Pathway Progression information, plus Cross Curriculum guides and subject links and reference to Gatsby Benchmark support.
- 1 lesson 1 plan (15 minutes) a health careers special
- 2 lesson 1 a health careers special
- 3 lesson 2 plan (15 minutes) a health careers special
- 4 lesson 2 a health careers special
- 5 lesson 3 plan (25 minutes) a health careers special
- 6 lesson 3 a health careers special
- 7 National Curriculum Support Areas a health careers special
- 8 Cross Curricular subject links 1 a health careers special
- 9 Cross Curricular subject links 2&3 a health careers special
- 10 Gatsby Benchmark reference a health careers special

Healthcare - Careers Guides - Classroom resources - Preparation-free written plan and lesson slides for teachers to use in the classroom
Designed as a preparation-free resource for teachers to use in conjunction with the Career Guide videos and lead a classroom discussion about careers as a Podiatrist or Therapeutic Radiographer, here is a written plan and PowerPoint lesson suitable for all key stages.
These are authored by VotesforSchools in collaboration with the Society of Radiographers and College of Podiatry and are aimed at supporting schools and Careers Leaders and contribute to them achieving Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 4, 5 & 6.
Download the resources on the Careers Guides page for Teachers here

Healthcare - Careers Guides - Home study resources - Package of materials including guidance notes prepared for each of KS3, KS4 and KS5 for teachers to use with students if they are studying at home
Each package consists of the following:
- Guidance notes – a short (2-slide) guide sets out the subject links, skills, and learning intentions covered by these Career Guides and provides explanatory notes about the resources and how they are designed to fit with home schooling. We have prepared these notes for each of the two Career Guides and for each of KS3, KS4, and KS5.
- Explanatory notes for students which explain each item and how they should be used and what the students are expected to complete
- A home learning support pack for students with tips and guidance about studying at home
- A full PowerPoint lesson for the students to follow with detailed progression and further information links
- An interactive journal for the students to record reflections and questions and bring back to their teacher when schools re-open
- A certificate has also been prepared by the NHS to accompany each Career Guide that teachers can print out and give to students as an acknowledgement of participation when students return to school. It can be added to the student’s CV, or personal statement and will be evidence to potential employers of the student’s interest and attainment.
The overall package is aimed at supporting schools and Careers Leaders and contributes to them achieving Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 4, 5 & 6.
Download the resources on the Careers Guides page for Teachers here

Healthcare - Careers in Pharmacy - Here are the teacher-ready modules which form a comprehensive package of resources and structured lesson plans highlighting how listening and communications skills are so crucial in all careers
Simply click on the links below to download the updated modules/lesson:
- Pharmacy lesson 1 plan
- Pharmacy lesson 1
- Pharmacy lesson 2 plan
- Pharmacy lesson 2
- Pharmacy lesson 3 plan
- Pharmacy lesson 3
- Pharmacy lesson 4 plan
- Pharmacy lesson 4

Jobs that can Save the Planet explores the explosion in skilled and well paid job opportunities in the Green Economy. This package of lesson materials is for teachers to use with students in each of KS3, KS4 and KS5. The PowerPoint lessons can easily be edited to reflect local employment needs and opportunities, as required.
Simply click on the links below to download these PowerPoint resources:
- KS3 Lesson – Long
- KS3 Lesson (Short)
- KS3 Lesson (SEND)
- KS3 Lesson Plan – Long
- KS3 Lesson Plan (Short)
- KS3 Lesson Plan (SEND)
- KS4 Lesson – Long
- KS4 Lesson (Short)
- KS4 Lesson (SEND)
- KS4 Lesson Plan – Long
- KS4 Lesson Plan (Short)
- KS4 Lesson Plan (SEND)
- KS5 Lesson – Long
- KS5 Lesson (Short)
- KS5 Lesson (SEND)
- KS5 Lesson Plan – Long
- KS5 Lesson Plan (Short)
- KS5 Lesson Plan (SEND)

What’s in a building? Jobs you didn’t know existed. Preparation-free lesson plan and lesson slides suitable for all year groups.
Simply click on the links below to download these PowerPoint resources:
- What’s in a building Lesson Plan (short)
- What’s in a building Lesson (short)
- What’s in a building Lesson Plan (long)
- What’s in a building Lesson (long)

Wellbeing Resources/The skills you didn’t know you had - Here are three interactive classroom-ready lessons to promote discussion and prompt students to gain further appreciation of their own skills. These lesson plans and PowerPoint lesson slides are structured to reflect the CDI Framework objectives.
Simply click on the links below to download the updated modules/lesson:
- Leadership and Interpersonal Skills Lesson Plan
- Leadership & Interpersonal Skills Lesson
- Resilience & Staying Positive Lesson plan
- Resilience & Staying Positive Lesson
- Wellbeing & Self-Belief Lesson plan
- Wellbeing & Self-Belief Lesson

Regional Spotlight - Classroom resources - Preparation-free written plan and lesson slides for teachers to use in the classroom
- Buckinghamshire labour market information lessons
- Oxfordshire labour market information lessons
Download the resources on the Regional Spotlight page for Teachers here

National Careers Week - Here are the plans and preparation free PowerPoint lessons plus cross-curricular guides (Gatsby benchmark 4) linked to the content in the show
- NCW Cross-curricular Environment & Climate Change
- NCW Cross-curricular Health & Wellbeing
- NCW Cross-curricular Science & Technology
- NCW Cross-curricular Crime, Justice & Extremism
- NCW KS3 Lesson Plan
- NCW KS3 PowerPoint Lesson
- NCW KS4 Lesson Plan
- NCW KS4 PowerPoint Lesson
- NCW KS5 Lesson Plan
- NCW KS5 PowerPoint Lesson
You can get more info at these websites:
Construction: https://www.goconstruct.org
Health: https://www.iseethedifference.co.uk
Royal Navy: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk
Creative industries: https://www.screenskills.com
Employability skills: https://www.cityandguilds.com
You can also download this PDF about Allied Health Professionals

Here are written plans and preparation free Powerpoint lessons for The Construction Show
RSA Academies and The WOW Show have teamed up once again to provide schools with dedicated lesson plans and teacher resources to support teaching about construction careers.
This special new programme is produced in association with the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and Go Construct to showcase the huge variety of careers in the construction industry.
Called Building Your Future, the show explores the wonder of the built environment and the opportunities available to young people, including a range of apprenticeships. With mini documentaries and reporter-led packages, combined with an interactive Q&A, the show is designed to give students a fascinating insight into the world of work. Through encounters with a range of employers and workplaces students will meet young people like them who have made the rewarding transition into the construction industry.

Here are written plans and preparation free Powerpoint lessons for The Pilot Show
RSA Academies are partnering with a pioneering new careers inspiration programme for all UK schools and colleges called The WOW (World of Work) Show.
The project is backed by City & Guilds, The Edge Foundation and the B&CE Charitable Trust and is supported by national and local employers.
Designed to appeal to all year groups and be watched as a shared group experience. It’s a fast-paced magazine show streamed live directly to the classroom that will present fascinating fresh perspectives on a variety of major employment sectors. It is very different from traditional approaches because it is being produced by leading film-makers and journalists from the UK Creative Industries. They have been given access to some of the most important industries and career opportunities for young people in the future. It will speak to the student audience in their language, on their platforms and in the bite-size visual grammar of YouTube. This is careers inspiration for Generation Z.
To accompany The WOW Show broadcasts, RSA Academies have developed special lesson plans and PowerPoint slides that are freely available to all teachers. These are a PSHE Preview lesson for use before viewing the show that encourages students to think about the wide range of careers opportunities that exist and how their own interests, ambitions and qualities can help them access these. After seeing the show, a series of individual subject lesson plans are then available that directly link curriculum learning to careers. Covering science, maths and geography, these are designed for use by subject teachers to help show how aspects of their subject is relevant to the world of work, including in unexpected ways.