The award-winning WOW Show team is filming now for an exciting new show to mark National Careers Week (2-7 March).
It’s Your Future will give students a compelling insight into the way workplaces are changing, where the most important opportunities will be and the transferable skills they will need to take the best advantage of the fabulous new careers that are being created.
The 12-minute assembly-friendly Show will be available on our YouTube channel from 2 March to provide schools with free resources to use with all Year Groups during NCW.
It is backed by lesson plans for KS3, KS4 & KS5 authored by teachers at VotesforSchools so that it can also be used in Tutor, PSHE and other lesson time. The lesson plans link the Show content to curriculum learning (Gatsby Benchmark 4) and provide creative activities for students to follow up throughout NCW and beyond.
It’s Your Future is available on-demand from 8 am on 2 March on our YouTube channel – just click and play anytime to watch this exciting new Show.